úterý 28. září 2010
Life is great sorcerer
Hello, friends. In my life came a great, but a nice change. We were able to sell our house. He was for us too much. We also decided to radically change the life style. We all know for sure. There will come a stage in life, consider re-ever, how you live and how you want to live on. Thinking about it what is important to you and your needs change. Ideally, you start to spend more time fulfilling your dreams and earning less money. It happened to us. We changed life in the city for rural life. They bought a beautiful site surrounded by woods and no neighbors. It is a former recreation center for children. A very long time is not used for these purposes. So far it does not, but one day it will be our small family farm. There will be chasing a couple of horses, sheep and goats will graze there. I see how happy will our grandchildren when they come to us over the holidays. We bought little Miss Felicitas, Monty was not so sad alone. Feli is a black mare. He was born nineteen months. It's a very nice girl and she loves Monty. There are both housed in our friends. If all goes well, next fall, we will all live in our new home. We're going to move there in April, but we have much work ahead, we prepare everything for us and for animals. I am very tired but happy. It seems to me to fulfill my dream more beautiful. I wish you all happiness. There is nothing in the world more beautiful than to be relatively healthy and happy. Hugs Jana Alexandra
pátek 6. srpna 2010
pátek 9. července 2010
I´m sorry
Hello friends. I must apologize for my long absence. I really very sorry, but I can not catch everything at once. We have a new addition to the family. It's a one-year old colt Monty. Time is currently devoted to him, is very important. Immediately how they organize their free time, I'll be back to normal. I wish you all a wonderful time full of sunshine and great ideas on artwork. Thank you for your understanding.
Kisses and hugs Jana Alexanda
Kisses and hugs Jana Alexanda
úterý 29. června 2010
The story that you should know you and your friends. After you read these five stories, you realize that you do not know today's world. The World as greedy hyenas multiply like a plague.
- We all wish you a happy ending to this, Mr. Alex
neděle 20. června 2010
Cindy and Cleopatra
Today was one of the memory of those two girls. I could not help. They are no longer a long time in dog paradise.
These days are very hectic. As if time is lost somewhere in the black hole ...
pátek 11. června 2010
Somewhere in England (9/2009) Attempt at a landscape :-)
I love the smell of old books, many of them own. I never can resist entry into the secondhand book store and never not leaving empty-handed. I guess I would happier if I owned such a beautiful shop, and was employed there. I have a wide and varied selection. The travelogue through the art books and biographies, old novels.
In the book, the UK, I fell in love with photography and decided to paint it.
That too failed. Once I have time, I'll try it again. Mainly to learn more.
čtvrtek 10. června 2010
These two paintings I painted on to his beloved friend and great poet Maya. She is my only critic, so I need that. Also, someone on whom I can always rely on. She made a lot of things for me and did not want for anything more than a few paintings .....
čtvrtek 3. června 2010
Porsche 928 (1/2009)
This is a painting, which I wrote to Rosemary. She painted beautiful still lifes pickup truck for her husband. I painted this picture last year for my husband. It is his beloved car in front of our house.But he thought that the colors are not nice, so stay with underpaintings :-))). I've also varnished it. I'm just sorry that I wanted him to try the technique of seven layers.
home sweet home,
pondělí 31. května 2010
Nicely hushabye (5/2010)
Last week, after a long time I found time for a small, quick painting. Just for fun. Well it's not the way I wanted, but maybe I'm learning so much neroztírat strokes. I would probably have more shadow under the furniture to paint. Also, the prospect is doubtful. Other errors will not say, it certainly also see :-)))
My camera broke down today and the scanner is not big enough. On each side is missing a small piece of painting. But unimportant.
home sweet home,
úterý 25. května 2010
Autumn memories (1/2009)
I remember that I started painting still lifes in autumn 2008. I did not like at all. Against the background of the same substance as the table. Place apples were dried sedum flowers. The whole thing was bland, without contrast and life. After the new year I finished to look like this and run away from it. Now, I do not have it already. In-law liked it, so I took it ...
still life
sobota 22. května 2010
čtvrtek 20. května 2010
Fireplace (study)
Na cvičení olejomalby mám času málo, tak se snažím alespoň zdokonalovat kreslení. No doufám, že to jednou zvládnu lépe :-). Říkám si : " učený z nebe nespadl nikdo " a doufám, že to tam někde ve mne je, a že i přesto, že nejsem zrovna mladý žák, se to na povrch dostane :-)))
home sweet home
středa 19. května 2010
pondělí 17. května 2010
neděle 16. května 2010
In the orchard (12/2008)
Moje maminka a dcera.
Podle fotky z roku 1992.
Tento obrázek mají také moji rodiče.
Maminka plakala,
když ho poprvé uviděla.
Bylo to milé.
home sweet home,
pátek 14. května 2010
In the park (7/2009)
Musela jsem alespoň zkusit namalovat naší kašnu.
Je to práce mého manžela Petra. Sám ji navrhl a postavil ze starých cihel, kamenů, schodů a různých dílů kovaného plotu, v roce 2006. Už začíná dostávat patinu
home sweet home,
čtvrtek 13. května 2010
Secrets herbalist (11/2008)
To je oblíbený obraz mojí maminky.
Visí na čestném místě v obývacím pokoji rodičů.
Je asi pátým obrazem, který jsem kdy namalovala
still life
sobota 8. května 2010
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